Employer of Record (EOR) Services in Ukraine

TempoEast’s Employer of Record (EOR) services provide an essential solution for international companies looking to establish or expand their presence in Ukraine.

Understanding EOR Solutions in Ukraine

An EOR acts as the legal employer for your staff, handling all employment-related responsibilities, while you retain control over the day-to-day activities of your employees.

Why EOR solutions are beneficial:

Compliance with local laws: EORs are experts in Ukrainian employment law, ensuring that your business operations are fully compliant with local regulations.

Simplified expansion: EORs facilitate smoother entry into the Ukrainian market by managing complex administrative tasks, allowing companies to focus on their core business activities.

Risk reduction: By handling legal and HR responsibilities, EORs mitigate the risks associated with non-compliance and misinterpretation of local laws.

For international companies, utilizing an EOR in Ukraine can be the key to successful and worry-free business operations.

Payroll outsourcing in Ukraine

Navigating the complexities of payroll in a foreign country can be challenging. In Ukraine, where tax and payroll regulations are intricate and subject to change, payroll outsourcing through an Employer of Record offers a streamlined solution. An EOR manages all aspects of payroll, including salary disbursement, tax deductions and social security contributions, ensuring full compliance with Ukrainian law.

This service is particularly beneficial for international companies, as it not only reduces administrative burdens but also minimizes the risk of errors and non-compliance. With expert handling of payroll functions, companies can focus on their core business activities, confident in the knowledge that their payroll obligations are managed efficiently and accurately.

Staff leasing in Ukraine

This arrangement allows businesses to lease employees through an Employer of Record, who then becomes the legal employer, responsible for all HR-related tasks, including payroll, benefits administration, and compliance with local employment laws.

This approach is particularly useful for companies needing temporary or project-based staff, offering the flexibility to scale the workforce up or down as needed. By utilizing staff leasing services, companies can quickly adapt to market demands without the complexities and long-term commitments associated with traditional employment models.

Temporary employment in Ukraine

Through an Employer of Record, businesses can efficiently manage temporary employment contracts, ensuring that they meet all legal requirements and are tailored to the specific needs of the project or period in question.

This service includes handling all administrative aspects, from contract drafting to payroll processing, and ensuring that temporary workers are afforded the same legal protections and benefits as permanent employees. This approach not only aids in agility and scalability for businesses but also ensures adherence to the strict temporary employment regulations in Ukraine, thus safeguarding against legal and financial risks.

Contact TempoEast today to explore how our Employer of Record services can streamline your business operations in Ukraine.

Надання тимчасового персоналу / Аутсорсінг / Аутстафінг в Україні

Надання тимчасового персоналу – це послуги з пошуку та залучення великої кількості працівників відповідно до плану найму або позаплановим збільшенням чисельності. Це особливо актуально в ситуаціях зростання обсягу продажів або виробництва, відкриття нових майданчиків, сезонного найму, тощо.

Ми беремо на себе проведення співбесід та відбір кандидатів, оформлення договорів відповідно до вимог трудового законодавства і забезпечення всіх обов’язкових соціальних гарантій. За необхідністю ми швидко підберемо заміну звільненому працівникові.

Наша база даних кандидатів постійно оновлюється, що допомагає нам в найкоротший термін підбирати і надавати персонал з необхідними навичками відповідно до запиту клієнта.

Ми надаємо тимчасовий персонал, аутсорсінг, аутстафінг в наступних районних та обласних центрах – Баштанка, Бердичів, Берегове, Березівка, Берестин, Біла Церква, Білгород-Дністровський, Богодухів, Болград, Бориспіль, Бровари, Буча, Вараш, Вижниця, Вишгород, Вінниця, Вознесенськ, Володимир, Гайсин, Дніпро, Дрогобич, Дубно, Житомир, Жмеринка, Звенигородка, Звягель, Золотоноша, Золочів, Івано-Франківськ, Ізмаїл, Ізюм, Калуш, Камінь-Каширський, Кам’янець-Подільський, Кам’янське, Ковель, Коломия, Конотоп, Коростень, Корюківка, Косів, Кременець, Кременчук, Кривий Ріг, Кропивницький, Куп’янськ, Лозова, Лубни, Луцьк, Львів, Миколаїв, Миргород, Могилів-Подільський, Мукачево, Надвірна, Ніжин, Нікополь, Новгород-Сіверський, Новоукраїнка, Обухів, Одеса, Олександрія, Охтирка, Павлоград, Первомайськ, Подільськ, Полтава, Прилуки, Рахів, Рівне, Роздільна, Ромни, Самар, Самбір, Сарни, Верховина,  Голованівськ, селище Кельменці, Синельникове, Стрий, Суми, Тернопіль, Тульчин, Тячів, Ужгород, Умань, Фастів, Харків, Хмельницький, Хмільник, Хуст, Черкаси, Чернівці, Чернігів, Чортків, Чугуїв, Шепетівка, Шептицький, Шостка, Яворів

Щодо ваших потреб по пошуку персоналу будь ласка напишіть нам

Пошук персоналу / Рекрутінг в Україні

Ми працюємо з компаніями, щоб знайти правильні рішення для їхніх кадрових потреб: від тимчасового найму персоналу, до постійного працевлаштування, та до повного аутсорсингу.

Тимчасовий штат

За цією моделлю ми набираємо, перевіряємо та наймаємо кандидатів для вас. Ми відстежуємо робочі години, а також адмініструємо всю заробітну платню, податки, запити щодо компенсації працівникам тощо. Тимчасовий персонал чудово підходить для сезонних операцій, змінних графіків або для швидко зростаючих компаній.

Прямий найм

Ця послуга ідеально підходить для заміщення посад будь-якого рівня. Наші досвідчені рекрутери можуть допомогти знайти найкращих талантів по всій країні. Ми також пропонуємо аутсорсинг процесу підбору персоналу. Це може допомогти зменшити витрати часу та грошей на підбір персоналу та сприяти більш ефективному рекрутінгу.

Ми виконуємо пошук та рекрутінг персоналу в наступних районних та обласних центрах – Баштанка, Бердичів, Берегове, Березівка, Берестин, Біла Церква, Білгород-Дністровський, Богодухів, Болград, Бориспіль, Бровари, Буча, Вараш, Вижниця, Вишгород, Вінниця, Вознесенськ, Володимир, Гайсин, Дніпро, Дрогобич, Дубно, Житомир, Жмеринка, Звенигородка, Звягель, Золотоноша, Золочів, Івано-Франківськ, Ізмаїл, Ізюм, Калуш, Камінь-Каширський, Кам’янець-Подільський, Кам’янське, Ковель, Коломия, Конотоп, Коростень, Корюківка, Косів, Кременець, Кременчук, Кривий Ріг, Кропивницький, Куп’янськ, Лозова, Лубни, Луцьк, Львів, Миколаїв, Миргород, Могилів-Подільський, Мукачево, Надвірна, Ніжин, Нікополь, Новгород-Сіверський, Новоукраїнка, Обухів, Одеса, Олександрія, Охтирка, Павлоград, Первомайськ, Подільськ, Полтава, Прилуки, Рахів, Рівне, Роздільна, Ромни, Самар, Самбір, Сарни, Верховина,  Голованівськ, селище Кельменці, Синельникове, Стрий, Суми, Тернопіль, Тульчин, Тячів, Ужгород, Умань, Фастів, Харків, Хмельницький, Хмільник, Хуст, Черкаси, Чернівці, Чернігів, Чортків, Чугуїв, Шепетівка, Шептицький, Шостка, Яворів

Щодо ваших потреб по пошуку персоналу будь ласка напишіть нам

Construction staffing and recruitment

From temporary staffing to perm placement, to fully outsourced solutions, we work with companies to find the right solutions for their staffing needs. 

Temporary Staffing

Under this model, we recruit, screen, and hire candidates for you.  We track hours as well as handle all payroll, taxes, workers comp claims and more.  Temporary staffing is great for seasonal operations, fluctuating schedules or for fast growing companies.

Direct Hire

This fee-based service is ideal for filling positions at any level.  Our expert recruiters can help locate top-talent nationwide.  We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing   This can help reduce the cost of recruiting in terms of time and money and lead to more effective recruiting.

We provide Construction staffing and recruitment services for the following partners – Project Owners, Construction Managers, General Contractors, Subcontractors, Specialty Contractors, Designers, Architect Engineers.

We recruit staff for the following Construction positions – Electrician, Plumber, Painter, Carpenter,  Joiner, Pipefitter, Welder, Drywall Installer, Roofer, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installer, General Laborer, Equipment Operator

We provide Construction staffing and recruitment services for the clients in the following countries Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Israel.

For your staffing and recruitment needs, please contact us.

Logistics / Transportation / Warehousing staffing and recruitment

At TempoEast we offer a wider range of solutions to fulfill staffing needs.  From temporary staffing to perm placement, to fully outsourced solutions, we work with companies to find the right solutions for their staffing needs. 

Temporary Staffing

Under this model, we recruit, screen, and hire candidates for you.  We track hours as well as handle all payroll, taxes, workers comp claims and more.  Temporary staffing is great for seasonal operations, fluctuating schedules or for fast growing companies.

Direct Hire

This fee-based service is ideal for filling positions at any level.  Our expert recruiters can help locate top-talent nationwide.  We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing   This can help reduce the cost of recruiting in terms of time and money and lead to more effective recruiting.

We provide Logistics / Transportation / Warehousing staffing and recruitment services for the following partners – Shipping, Rail, Logistics, Aviation, Air cargo, Freight, Public Transportation, Railroads, Airlines, Trucking, Bus Companies, Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Providers, Warehousing, Distribution, Freight Management, Infrastructure Providers.

We recruit staff for the following Logistics / Transportation / Warehousing positions – Machine Operator, Forklift Operator, Warehouse Associate, Material Handler, Logistics Coordinator, Production Worker, Logistician, Truck Loader, Warehouse Selector, Warehouse Driver, Order Selector, Warehouse Assistant, Warehouse Worker, Warehouse Picker, Inventory Counter, Warehouse Management Trainee, Driver, Truck Driver, Expeditor, Shipping and Receiving Agent, Bus Driver, Courier, Pilot, Stewardess,  Flight Attendant, Sailor, Seaman, Cabin Crew, Aircraft Mechanic, Marine Mechanic, Truck Mechanic, Bus Mechanic, Auto Mechanic

We provide Logistics / Transportation / Warehousing staffing and recruitment services for the clients in the following countries Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Israel.

For your staffing and recruitment needs, please contact us.

Light Manufacturing / Industrial / Production staffing and recruitment

At TempoEast we offer a wider range of solutions to fulfill staffing needs.  From temporary staffing to perm placement, to fully outsourced solutions, we work with companies to find the right solutions for their staffing needs. 

Temporary Staffing

Under this model, we recruit, screen, and hire candidates for you.  We track hours as well as handle all payroll, taxes, workers comp claims and more.  Temporary staffing is great for seasonal operations, fluctuating schedules or for fast growing companies.

Direct Hire

This fee-based service is ideal for filling positions at any level.  Our expert recruiters can help locate top-talent nationwide.  We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing   This can help reduce the cost of recruiting in terms of time and money and lead to more effective recruiting.

We provide Light Manufacturing / Industrial / Production staffing and recruitment services for the following partners – Food Industry, Paper Making, Plastics, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Suplies, Leather industry, Textiles, Apparel and Footwear, Automotive, Homecare Products, Beaty and Personal Care Products, Packaging, Printing,  Household Electric Appliances.

We recruit staff for the following Light Manufacturing / Industrial / Production positions – Boilermakers, Bookbinders, Brazers, CNC machinists, Configuration and product marketing analysts, Controllers, Customer service representatives, Cutters, Designers, Electricians, Electronic assemblers, Expediters, Fabricators, Fiberglass laminators or fabricators, Floor assemblers, Food technologists, General workers, Inspectors, Machinists, Master schedulers, Material handlers, Materials planners, Mechanical designers, Metal workers, Millwrights, Painting and coating workers, Photographic processors, Precision assemblers, Plastic machine workers, Production foremen, Production associates, such as painters, planners, schedulers, or workers, Power plant dispatchers, Processing workers, Production control clerks, Quality control analysts, Quality inspectors, Semiconductor processors, Structural metal fabricators, Tool and die makers, Tool, die, and gauge makers, Warehouse workers, Welders, Boiler operators, Chemical plant operators, CNC operators, Coating operators, Computer control programmers or operators, Dairy processing equipment operators, General machine operators, Machine tool cutting operators, Paint and spray machine operators, Plant/power plant operators, Printing machine operators, Process operators, Specialized machine operators, Waste treatment plant operators, Electromechanical technicians, Electronics technicians, Equipment technicians, Field service technicians, Industrial engineering technicians, Manufacturing engineer technicians, Mechanical technicians, Production technicians, Safety technicians, Service technicians, Wafer processing technicians

We provide Light Manufacturing / Industrial / Production staffing and recruitment services for the clients in the following countries Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Israel.

For your staffing and recruitment needs, please contact us.

Medical / Healthcare staffing and recruitment

At TempoEast we offer a wider range of solutions to fulfill staffing needs.  From temporary staffing to perm placement, to fully outsourced solutions, we work with companies to find the right solutions for their staffing needs. 

Temporary Staffing

Under this model, we recruit, screen, and hire candidates for you.  We track hours as well as handle all payroll, taxes, workers comp claims and more.  Temporary staffing is great for seasonal operations, fluctuating schedules or for fast growing companies.

Direct Hire

This fee-based service is ideal for filling positions at any level.  Our expert recruiters can help locate top-talent nationwide.  We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing   This can help reduce the cost of recruiting in terms of time and money and lead to more effective recruiting.

We provide Medical / Healthcare staffing and recruitment services for the following partners – Hospitals, Clinics,  Nursing homes, Mental health and addiction treatment centers, Birth centers.

We recruit staff for the following Healthcare / Medical positions – Anesthesia Technician, Audiologist, Cardiac Sonographer, Cardiovascular Technologist, Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Child Life Specialist, Community Health Worker, Cytotechnologist, Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Dentist, Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, Dialysis Technician, Dietitian, EKG/ECG (Electrocardiogram) Technician, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Epidemiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Forensic Pathologist, Forensic Science Technician, Home Health Aide, IVF Nurse, Lactation Consultant, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Medical Assistant, Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Medical Laboratory Technician, MRI Technologist/ Technician, Neurodiagnostic Technologist, Nursing Home Administrator, Nutritionist, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Ophthalmic Technician, Optician, Paramedic, Pathology Assistant, Perfusionist, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Phlebotomist, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Physician Assistant (PA), Radiation Therapist, Radiology Technologist, Registered Nurse (RN), Respiratory Therapist, Social Worker, Speech-Language Pathologist, Surgical Technologist, Transplant Coordinator, Ultrasound Technician

We provide Medical / Healthcare staffing and recruitment services for the clients in the following countries Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Israel.

For your staffing and recruitment needs, please contact us.

Agricultural / Farm staffing and recruitment

From temporary staffing to perm placement, to fully outsourced solutions, we work with companies to find the right solutions for their staffing needs. 

Temporary Staffing

Under this model, we recruit, screen, and hire candidates for you.  We track hours as well as handle all payroll, taxes, workers comp claims and more.  Temporary staffing is great for seasonal operations, fluctuating schedules or for fast growing companies.

Direct Hire

This fee-based service is ideal for filling positions at any level.  Our expert recruiters can help locate top-talent nationwide.  We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing   This can help reduce the cost of recruiting in terms of time and money and lead to more effective recruiting.

We provide Agriculture / Farming staffing and recruitment services for the partners in the following industries – Animal Health, Animal Production – Beef, Animal Production – Dairy, Animal Production – Poultry, Animal Production – Swine, Aquaculture, Fishing, Seafood, Chemical, Pesticide and Fertilizer, Crop Production, Energy, Biofuels and Alternative Energy, Equipment, Manufacturing and Technical, Feed Nutrition, Food & Beverage Products and Processing, Horticulture, Turf, Viticulture and Ornamental, Input Retail, Cooperative and Related Crop Services, Natural Resources, Environmental, Mining and Forestry, Pest Management, Plant & Soil Sciences, Seed and Biotechnology, Precision Ag, Produce and Produce Related Services

We recruit for the following Farming / Agriculture positions – Ag Aerial Applicator / Crop Duster, Agronomic Services, Agronomist, Agronomy, Alternative Energy Specialist, Animal Breeder, Animal Caretaker / Operations Manager, Animal Geneticist, Apairy / Beekeeper, Aquaculture, Aquaculturist, Arborist, Artificial Insemination, Assembly Technician, Beef – Farm Worker, Breeder, Carpenter / Laborer, Cattle, Construction Foreman, Crop, Crop Production, Dairy – Farm Worker, Diesel Mechanic, Diesel Technician, Dock Worker, Driver, Drone Technician, Electrical Engineer, Electrician / Electronics Technician, Equipment Operator, Fabricator, Farm, Farm Hand, Farm Operations / Production Manager, Farm Worker – Small Ruminant, Farm-Poultry – Farm Worker, Feed Mill Operator, Field Technician, Fisheries Technician, Fleet Manager, Florist, Food Animal Veterinarian, Food Packaging, Food Processing, Forester, Forklift Operator, Freezer Supervisor / Refrigeration Specialist, Fruit, Grain Grader, Greenhouse, Greenhouse Manager, Grower, Harvester/Picker, Hatchery, Hatchery Manager (Aquaculture), Hatchery Manager (Poultry), Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, Heavy Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator / Forklift Operator, Heavy Equipment Technician, Herd Nutritionist, Herdsmen, Horse Trainer / Instructor, Horticulture, Horticulturist, Hydraulics Technician, Hydrologist, Hydroponics Producer, Irrigation Technician, Laboratory Technician, Landscape Designer, Landscape Technician, Livestock, Livestock Buyer, Livestock Grader, Livestock Hauler, Livestock Loader, Loan Officer, Logger, Logistics, Logistics Specialist, Machine / Equipment Operator, Maintenance, Maintenance / Service Technician, Meat Processing, Mechanic, Mill, Mill Packer, Millwright, Penrider, Pest Control, Pesticide Technician, Pet Groomer, Plant Biologist, Plant Breeder, Plant Geneticist, Plant Operator, Plant Pathologist, Plant Scientist / Field Agronomist, Poultry, Precision Ag, Precision Ag Specialist / GPS GIS Technician, Pressure Washer Operator, Produce, Ranch Manager, Rendering Truck Driver/Rendering Maintenance, Row Crop Producer/Farmer, Ruminant Nutritionist, Sawmill Operator, Seed Production Agronomist, Seed Production Technician, Seed Technician, Sheet Metal Worker, Slaughter House, Slaughter Processor – Deboning, Slaughter Processor – General Operator, Slaughter Processor – Hanger / Loader, Slaughter Processor – Packing / Scales, Slaughter Processor – Trimming / Cutter, Small Animal Veterinarian, Soil Scientist, Sorter, Storage and Hygiene Coordinator, Swine, Swine – Finishing Farm Manager, Swine – Nursery Farm Worker, Swine – Sow Farm Manager, Toxicologist, Transportation, Veterinarian, Veterinary Assistant, Veterinary Pathologist, Veterinary Technician, Vineyard Manager, Viticulturist, Warehouse, Water Treatment Technician, Weed Scientist, Welder, Wildlife Conservation, Wind Substation Technician, Wind Turbine Technician, Wine maker, Zoologist

We provide Agricultural / Farm staffing and recruitment services for the clients in the following countries Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Israel.

For your staffing and recruitment needs, please contact us.

Hospitality / HoReCa staffing and recruitment

At TempoEast we offer a wider range of solutions to fulfill staffing needs.  From temporary staffing to perm placement, to fully outsourced solutions, we work with companies to find the right solutions for their staffing needs. 

Temporary Staffing

Under this model, we recruit, screen, and hire candidates for you.  We track hours as well as handle all payroll, taxes, workers comp claims and more.  Temporary staffing is great for seasonal operations, fluctuating schedules or for fast growing companies.

Direct Hire

This fee-based service is ideal for filling positions at any level.  Our expert recruiters can help locate top-talent nationwide.  We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing   This can help reduce the cost of recruiting in terms of time and money and lead to more effective recruiting.

We provide Hospitality / HoReCa staffing and recruitment services for the following partners – Hotels & Resorts, Restaurants, Catering, Healthcare / Hospitals / Senior Living, Colleges & Universities, Stadiums & Event Venues and others.

We recruit for the following Hospitality / HoReCa positions – Housekeeper, Maid, Cleaner/ Janitor, Housekeeper /maid/ cleaner assistant, Conference & Banqueting staff and assistant,  Baker, Confectioner, Pastry cook, Baker/pastry/confectioner assistant, Cook, Chef, Cook assistant, Cosmetician, Beautician, Hair-dresser, Manicure/pedicure, Massage therapist, Manual therapist, Masseur, Banquet Assistant, Barmaid, Bartender, Barista, Receptionist, Guard, Security, Commis de Cuisine, Commis de Rang, Concierge, Dishwasher, Fitness Trainer, Waiter / Waitress, Housemaid / Houseman, Kitchen Helper, Kitchen assistant,  Porter, Pâtissier, Sommelier , Pizza cook, Pizzaiolo,  Wine Consultant, Wellness / fitness trainer, Animator, Entertainer

We provide Hospitality / HoReCa staffing and recruitment services for the clients in the following countries Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Israel.

For your staffing and recruitment needs, please contact us.